Info Slider (ISM) 1.2.0
-Fixed a pixel rounding issue that may cause sliding to incorrect panel number.
Do you need the update?
You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.2.0. To be certain, open your Extension Manager and check your version number.
Downloading the updated version
To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:
PVII Download Center
Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.
- Unzip your download
- Install the extension using the Extension Manager
- When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
- Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
- Locate the p7ism folder and delete both the p7ISM-01.css and p7ISMscripts.js files inside
- Go to your page and open the AGM interface as if you were going to edit it
- Make no changes. Simply click OK
- The system will create a new script file and a new CSS file
- Upload the revised p7ism folder to your server
Prior Updates
Info Slider (ISM) 1.1.9
-Fixed left sliding issue on touch devices
Info Slider (ISM) 1.1.8
- -Added 'Display Panels in Random Order' option
- -Fixed single panel reverse loop not working
- -Fixed paginator sync swiping issue
Info Slider (ISM) 1.1.4- 1.1.5
Version 1.1.4 adds several new features, including an Auto Play mode, Paginator Links, slide modes (panel or entire viewport) and much more. Here is the list:
- Paginator support
- Control behavior support
- Auto Play functionality with auto reverse action. Option to set play to one panel at a time or the entire viewport
- Optional Pause Play control
- Set default panel to show on load
- Added URL paramter support (?ism=1_5, #ism1_5)
- Added color, hover and down color options for Arrows
Version 1.1.4 also fixes a 1-pixel positioning issue with the first (left-most) panel. Version 1.1.5 fixes an issue where links inside panels do not work when the Pause on Mouse Over option is set.