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Slide Out Panel Magic A Responsive Slide Out Panel Maker for Dreamweaver

Buy Now ($95) | User Guide | Examples

Slide Out Panel Magic (SOP) allows you to create one or more responsive and adaptive slide-out panels on your page.. The SOP interface allows you to configure, style, and set options for each panel you create. Panels can contain images, text captions, text content, forms, other PVII Widgets, PVII galleries and slide shows, or any other type of content. SOP panel content is fully editable in Dreamweaver Design View! Slide Out Panel Magic gives you total design freedom... with tons of power, style, and flexibility. What can it do?

View the Example page to see what Slide Out Panels can do. Pop up a Sign Up form, a Slide Show Gallery, or anything you can imagine.

Features & Options

Slide Out Panel Magic Interface

Invest in a tool that will pay for itself over and over

PVII Slide Out Panel Magic is an indispensable tool that will make your job and your life a lot easier.