When your client calls at 4:00pm and says "Hey Joe, I really like that last design proposal, but my marketing guys say it has to look perfect on the boss's iPhone and his son's Kindle, and they need it ready for the staff meeting tomorrow." Instead of a panic attack followed by hours of coding, you can use PVII Affinity to create that perfect layout in no time. Just add your content and spend a quiet evening with the family with complete peace of mind.
The following tutorials are available
Create Custom Core Color Themes: Learn how easy it is to transform your Core Affinity Pages with a completely new look.
Create Custom Mobius Color Themes: Learn how easy it is to transform the color of your Mobius pages.
Design Time CSS: Assigning a Design Time CSS file to your page to work aroud Dreamweaver's poor CSS support.
Mobius Alive!: Bring your Mobius page to life with an animated Image Gallery Magic 2 banner that you can build in minutes!
Metro-Chic: Morphing Metroplex. Give your menu a page-spanning gradient background with the menu centered inside. Remove the outer borders from your layout columns and round the inner corners. Round the corners of all images inside your content columns. Remove the outer borders around the footer. Top it off with an elegantly understated page background texture and the transformation is complete. Do it all in just a few moments with absolutely no coding.
Boardroom Theme Style Guide: A complete analyis and walk-through of the Boardroom CSS styles and Snippet suite.
Using IGM2 to Animate Boardroom's Banner: Bring the Boardroom banner to life!
Choose from the following DMM tutorials.
DMM Style Guide: Covers each rule in the DMM style sheet, including the responsive media queries.