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CSS Affinity 1.1.9 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.3.3

Addresses issues in new Windows touch implementation. This is an update to DMM only.

Do you need the update?

You need to update If your current version of Drop Menu Magic is less then 1.3.3

Tip: To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version numbers.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  1. Unzip your download
  2. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  3. When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  4. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
  5. Locate the p7dmm folder and delete the p7DMMscripts.js file inside
  6. Select your widget and open the interface as if you were going to edit it
  7. Make no changes. Simply click OK
  8. The system will create a new script file
  9. Upload the revised p7dmm folder to your server


CSS Affinity 1.1.9 + DMM 1.2.1

Drop Menu Magic updated to unclude support for Fixed Positioning on Scroll.



Update Touch Support

Drop Menu Magic updated Touch/Mouse support to seamlessly support devices that support both touch and mouse enabled gestures. For example, Windows 8 supports both Touch and Mouse on Laptop/Desktop systems with touch-enabled monitors.



Added ZXP installer format

ZXP installer now included for compatibility with Dreamweaver CC. Simply re-download your product and you will find a ZXP file that will enable you to install your product into Dreamweaver CC.



CSS Affinity 1.1.9 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This update is required if you wish to purchase and use the Metroplex Affinity Theme Pack. This release updates the Affinity UI only and does not affect page markup, CSS, or scripts.



CSS Affinity 1.1.8 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This update revises the Affinity print media style sheet.



CSS Affinity 1.1.7 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This update enhances the multi-theme support in the Affinity user interface and is required if you wish to purchase and use the Boardroom Affinity Theme Pack. Design choices in the interface are now generic (Layout 01, Layout 02, etc.), permitting each theme pack to include 5 unique designs. This release updates the Affinity UI only and does not affect page markup, CSS, or scripts.



CSS Affinity 1.1.6 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This update adds multi-theme support to the Affinity user interface and is required if you wish to purchase and use one of the new Affinity Theme Packs. This release updates the Affinity UI only and does not affect page markup, CSS, or scripts.

More about Affinity Theme Packs...



CSS Affinity 1.1.4 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This is a maintenance update to the Affinity CSS files only. The update is optional and simply tidies up a few CSS rules to remove vendor-prefixes that are no longer needed.



CSS Affinity 1.1.3 +
Drop Menu Magic (DMM) 1.1.9

This update includes both the Affinity Page Pack and the DMM Menu System.

New: Vertical Drop Down Menu Mode

DMM has been updated to include a new Vertical Drop Down menu mode. Use this mode when you have a large number of sub-menu items that would wrap to multiple lines if using the default menu mode.

See Examples