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Version 2.5.5

Fixed non-destructive JavaScript error when all these criteria are met:

Prior Updates:

2.5.3 Update

Fixed panel synching issue caused by large numbers of very wide panels.

2.5.3 Update

Fixed TPM1 Converter issue. This update does not effect script or CSS files.

2.5.2 Update

Updated the TPM2 Columns CSS file to adjust the media query for smartphones. To update previously created widgets:

/*1 Column for Narrow Browser Windows and Smartphones in both orientations*/
@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 700px) {

2.5.0 Update

Adds Viewport Meta Tag management and Media Queries to automatically reflow multi-column content for smartphones. Addresses a Dreamweaver flaw with its ColdFusion Translators that could cause an error message when editing a Tab Panel widget with many tabs or nested panels.

Also Includes 2.4.7 Maintenance release

Minor bug cleanups. This update does not require CSS or script updates. They only address minor issues in the user interface.

Also Includes 2.4.6 Major Features Update

Adds new Style Theme Cabernet

Adds Multi-Column feature to the interface. Now, when creating a new content, you can configure the content layout to display in various multi-column arrangements.

After installing the update, see the revised included user guide to learn more about this feature.

Also includes 2.3.3 Update

Add new Style Theme Simply Elegant.

Also includes 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 Updates

Corrects vertical position after dynamic height or offset changes are run. Corrects abrupt height adjustment when Fade animation is used.

Also includes 2.3.0 Update

Fixed mis-positioning issue between panels when browser scroll bar disappears when vertical animation is being used. Now enforces vertical scrollbar gutter by programmatically setting overflow-y: scroll on the body.

Adjusted tab scroller arrow states to reset when viewport width is resized (cosmetic only).

Also Includes Prior Updates: Version 2.2.9

Fixed an issue with the TPM1 to TPM2 conversion utility on template-based pages.

Also includes Prior Updates: Version 2.2.8

Improved interoperability with Column Composer Magic. Fixes minor positioning issue when used with vertical animation inside a Column Composer Magic structure.

Also includes Prior Updates: Version 2.2.7

Added the Letterbox theme.

Also includes Prior Updates: Version 2.2.5

Adds new Tab scrolling option

Optimizes Fade Animation for Internet Explorer

Now supports nested Tab Panels set to different style themes. This feature update includes revised style sheets for all themes and an auto CSS updater. To ensure a correct CSS update, make sure you follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Also includes Prior Updates: Version 2.2.1

Fixed occasional loading issues in IE8 and under. Also add script enhancements to allow horizontal animations to correctly position when Tab Panels are nested inside other PVII widgets or Lightshow Magic content panels.

Downloading the updated version

You only need to update If your current version is less then 2.5.5 (To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version number).

Go to our customer service download center


  1. Unzip your download
  2. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  3. When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  4. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process

Updating CSS (version 2.4.6)

The 2.5.0 update does not require you to update CSS files unless you have updated from a version prior to 2.4.6

The system will generate a new, updated CSS file. Upload the new file to your Web server. Any customizations you made will be lost. Use your backup copy to recreate the customizations.

Note: Dreamweaver cache issues might cause the changes to not show up immediately. If your widget appears to lose its formatting, simply save and close the page—then reopen it.

Updating the Script File

If you have updated from a version prior to 2.5.5, you will need to replace the p7TPMscripts.js file linked to your page. By default, this file is inside the p7tpm folder at the same level as your page.

Updating the script

The system will generate a new, updated script file. Upload the new script file to your Web server.