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Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.3.2

Added support for HTML attributes on all LBM structural DIVs. When a data attribute, for example, is placed on a structural DIV, the attribute will be retained during an edit session in the LBM UI. This allows LBM to support the full family of PVII animation tools.

Do you need the update?

You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.3.1. To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version number.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  1. Uninstall your current version of LBM
  2. Unzip your download
  3. Install the updated version
  4. If prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  5. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
  6. Open the page containing your LBM instance, select the LBM instance, and open the LB UI as if you are going to edit it.
  7. Click OK
  8. Your Core LBM style sheet will be updated
  9. Upload your Core LBM CSS file to your server

Previous Updates

17-Nobvember-2016: Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.3.1

Fixes issues with editing nested LBM structures in Template child pages.

Fixed an issue when a single column row, nested inside a parent row set to Equal Height Columns, collapses to the width of the content inside.

Added 66.66% width option for columns.

09-July-2016: Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.3.0

Fixes whitespace issue in Equal Height Column rows after last column.

Fixes Core Style Sheet updating when Dreamweaver is set to enable Related Files.

03-April-2016: Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.2.8

Added Features


23-March-2016: Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.2.6-1.2.7

Updates Core CSS file to add vertical align for images and to fix minor padding issue in media query.

Updates Insert Bar/Panel/Menu to move Layout Builder core icon to first position.


15-February-2016: Layout Builder Magic (LBM) 1.2.5

Added LBM Insert/Modify Image utility

See in User Guide

You can insert or change an image at any time. You can change image source, responsive options, or Max Width options within the UI.

Note: The LBM Insert/Modify Images tool works for any image on your page, even for images that were originally inserted using Dreamweaver's ordinary Image Insert function.

Changed the way the LBM interface is opened

The LBM interface can now be opened using either the PVII tab on your insert bar/panel, or the Layout Builder tab. It can also be opened using Dreamweaver's insert menu or by right-clicking on your page

See in User Guide

Updated Core style sheet

The Core style sheet has been updated to include several refinements, inluding how it is handled (see below)

Changed Core style sheet handling:

If Core style sheet is open in DW it will be closed (or Saved and Closed) when the LBM UI opens. The Core style sheet will now be overwritten with a default version each time the OK button is clicked in the LBM UI. If related files are enabled in Dreamweaver, the related file will be updated to reflect current default Core style sheet.

See in User Guide

Enhanced and refined how Equal Height Columns work

When the EHC option is selected for a row, the columns inside will behave just like ordinary floated DIVs.

Added a Design Time CSS file for legacy versions of Dreamweaver

Each time you open the LBM UI. the system will detect your version of Dreamweaver and assign an appropriate Design Time CSS file.


26-Jan-2016 Version 1.1.7