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Key Lime Page Pack v1.0.7 update

Adds IE7 CSS compatibility & Apple bug workarounds


This Update requires that the full version of Key Lime is already installed on your computer. It will not work otherwise.

Do you need the update?

You only need to update If you purchased Key Lime prior to 27-October-2006. To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your Key Lime version number. If your current version is not listed as 1.0.7, you need to download the 1.0.7 Update:

Go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.

Tip: Save the downloaded update file to the same location that contains your original Key Lime extension file. Should you ever need to re-install, install the original version first, then the update.


  1. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  2. When prompted to overwrite existing files, choose Yes To All
  3. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process

DO NOT Uninstall your current version. This is an update and requires that a full version is already installed on your system for a proper update. After installing the update, Extension Manager will list both the orginal (full) version and the update version.


After installing the update, all new pages that you create will work flawlessly in IE7.

To update existing pages

To fix pages (or entire sites) created prior to installing the update, add this style rule to your Key Lime style sheet:

#p7TBM div, #p7TBM ul {zoom:100%;}

For information on general IE7 issues, please see this Tech Note in our Knowledge Base.