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Added ZXP installer format

ZXP installer now included for compatibility with Dreamweaver CC. Simply re-download your product and you will find a ZXP file that will enable you to install your product into Dreamweaver CC.



Horizontal Glider Magic 1.2.5

1.2.5 Update Fixes and new features

  • Improved compatibility when nested inside older widgets that use display block and none.
  • Added filter to prevent IE5 Mac form initializing and allowing it to simply display all panels.
  • Fixes mis-alignment issue when the widget inherits text-align center from user CSS.
  • Fixed nesting issue with 10 or more panels within the same parent glider.

Also includes Prior updates

  • Fixed Safari and Chrome bug that can cause panels to glide short of their full width if a trigger or control is clicked before the glider content is fully loaded.
  • Adds onFocus and onBlur support for images in trigger links.
  • Fixed issues with Link Only - No Associated Content Panel feature to ensure that panels stay in sync.
  • Fixed current marker issue inside nested HGM panels.
  • Fixed current marker issue when using images as triggers.

Also includes prior update from 16-Dec-2009, which Adds New Style Themes.

See examples...

Do you need the update?

You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.2.5

To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version number.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  1. Unzip your download
  2. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  3. When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  4. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process

Updating the HGM Script File

You will need to replace the p7HGMscripts.js file linked to your page. By default, this file is inside the p7hgm folder at the same level as your page.

Updating the HGM script

  • Delete the script file
  • When Dreamweaver reports it is being used and would you like to "Delete Anyway?", click Yes
  • Open a page that contains your widget
  • Place your cursor inside one of its panels and then open the HGM interface, as if you were going to edit your widget
  • Simply click OK

The system will generate a new, updated script file and new conditional comments. Save your page, then upload the page and the new script file to your Web server.

Notes for New Style Themes

The 1.1.8 update added a special extra readme_THEMES file. here is a copy of what that file contains:

The new style themes that can be used if you want your panel triggers to display in vertical format to the left or the right of your panels. These themes are listed in the interface by their name followed by a dash and either Trigs Left or Trigs Right. For example:

  • 06 Carbon - Trigs Left
  • 07 Carbon - Trigs Right
  • 08 Greystone - Trigs Left
  • 09 Greystone - Trigs Right

These style themes are special. to use them correctly you need to ensure that in the interface you set the following options:

  • Prev/Next show should be un-checked
  • Trigger Links should be set to: Above Panel

If you really would like to use one of these special themes without Trigger Links, you can:

1. Set Trigger Links to: None in the interface.

2. Edit the following style rule to change the margin value to zero and the border-right value to zero:

.p7HGM0X .p7HGM_viewport_wrapper {
position: relative;
margin: 0;
zoom: 1;
color: #D8D8D8;
border-right: 0;

Note: For Trigs Left themes, the border-left would be set.