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Adaptive Menu Magic (AMM) 1.3.5

Do you need the update?

You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.3.5. To be certain, open your Extension Manager and check your version number.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  • Unzip your download
  • Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  • When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  • Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
  • - If updating from version 1.3.4 or 1.3.3 - Locate the p7amm folder and Delete the p7AMMscripts.js file inside
  • - If updating from version 1.3.2 or lower- Locate the p7amm folder and Delete* BOTH the p7AMMscripts.js file and the p7AMM-01.css file inside *
  • Go to your page and open the AMM interface as if you were going to edit the menu
  • Make no changes. Simply click OK
  • The system will create a new script file
  • Upload the revised p7amm folder to your server

* Note: If you have made any modifications to the script or style sheet files be sure to make a backup copy of the file(s) before deleting so that you can refer to these files to make the same customizations to the new file(s).

Prior Updates

13-January-2021 ver 1.3.4

-Fixed: -missing space syntax error when user attributes are assigned to menu links

6-September-2020 ver 1.3.3

-Added: Vertical page scroll (STE) active marking support
-Added: Now closing menu after link is liked on mobile presentation
-Added: Sub Menu Style color can now be set to 'None'
-Fixed: Adjusted click action on STE link triggers to allow sub menu to open
-Fixed: Revised page load scrolling to support latest browser updates
-Fixed: Now retains the STE active marker on the longer sections
-Fixed: now handles missing STE id elements without error
-Fixed: Various minor code adjustments

13-February-2019 ver 1.2.8

-Fixed "More..." menu item dropping to second line at certain widths.   

28-January-2019: ver 1.2.7

-Fixed code output spacing issue when there are multiple attributes on a link tag.

17-May-2018: ver 1.2.6

-Fixed positioning issue with Scroll to Element feature when menu is in responsive (phone/accordion) mode. The scrolled to element is now positioned correctly.

11-April-2018: ver 1.2.5

-Set default z-index for fixed mode to a lower value.

-Reworked "More" menu create & resize algorithms for better performance.

17-March-2018: ver 1.2.3

-Added smooth scrolling support for menu Scroll to Element (STE) links when linking from external page or source.

-Fixed bottom edge detection on vertical sub menu. The first hover was not properly activating the edge detection. Also fixed vertical sub menu bottom edge detection when page is scrolled.

-If you did not delete your existing CSS file (perhaps because you've customized it) and have not allowed the AMM interface to produce a new one, please paste the following rule inside the smartphone media query in your current AMM CSS file:

.p7AMM.amm-responsive li {max-height: 700777px;}

The media query starts on or about line 1509, with this line:

@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 600px) {

Make a new line above the first rule inside the query and paste the above rule in:

@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 600px) {
.p7AMM.amm-responsive li {max-height: 700777px;}

If you have previously not updated to version 1.2.0, you will also need to copy and paste this rule into your AMM style sheet, making sure it goes before the media query:

.p7AMM.amm-fixed {
max-height: 100% !important;
overflow-y: auto;

28-Feb-2018: ver 1.2.2

-Refined performance in smartphone mode when running with Fixed on Scroll option.

26-Feb-2018: ver 1.2.0

-Revised style sheet to fix no scrolling on phone in fixed mode. Either replace your existing AMM style sheet with a new one or paste this rule in your existing style sheet:

.p7AMM.amm-fixed {
max-height: 100% !important;
overflow-y: auto;

Added Feature:

Auto menu close when STE menu link is clicked and menu is in fixed on-scroll toolbar accordion mode.

19-Feb-2018: ver 1.1.9

-Addressed IE11 bug with fold animations when entering responsive mode via browser window made phone-narrow. This issue would normally not cause the menu to be inaccessible, except in cases where someone opened the page in a wide window, then made the window narrow enough to trigger the responsive conversion. Also fixed an issue where in responsive mode (in small devices) long menus did not fully display.

14-Jan-2018: ver 1.1.7

-Addressed bugs in Chrome and Opera when running in Windows touch mode.

04-Dec-17: ver 1.1.5

-Now supports vertical menus.