Background Scroll Effects gives you unprecedented control over background images that are triggered by simply scrolling your page. The images can be simple or complex, and the effects you can achieve are imited only by your creativity and imagination.

The background image assigned to this element slides in from the left. It uses the unbound animation method which triggers the slide when its element comes into view. The BSE instance for this colum is set to use a semi-transparant teal mask.

The background image for this element is set to zoom out. This animation is bound to the browser/device scroll bar, so the effect is in complete synch with page scroll or page swipe. The BSE instance for this colum is set to use a semi-transparant orange mask.

The background image assigned to this element slides in from the right. It uses the unbound animation method which triggers the slide when its element comes into view. The BSE instance for this colum is set to use a semi-transparant blue mask.
