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This interior page is configured with a sidebar set to 20% and a main column set to 80%. Column widths can be easily changed.

This is layout 06...

Synergy comes with its own secret sauce, and boy is it tasty. Choose Layout 06 when you create your page and you get a framework page, with masthead and footer, and a body that will bring any CSS fan to his knees. The body in question is set up and waiting for you to use the Row/Column Creator to build the layout of your dreams. Yes, you can have it your way, anyway, for any project. All you need is PVII Synergy. We've only added a single row to this page, but we've nested a row inside this column. It took about 9 seconds...but we were having a slow day.


So this column, and its row, were added to this page using the Synergy Row/Column Creator... Like so:

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If the left column is over there, then this must be the right column, naturellement. Together they make two columns. A dual-column row. A a dual-column row nested inside a column. Whoa. Imagine the possibilities.

Additional interior page layouts...


Think about it. In less than a minute, you can build a responsive page, ready for your content.