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About Allegro

Allegro is an automated Dreamweaver page-building tool that makes it easy to create responsive pages with compelling designs, usable features, and efficient code. Choose a cool smooth-scrolling portal page, that can optionally include a Tab Panel Magic 3 panel banner widget (requires Tab Panel Magic 3). Then choose coordinating interior pages with traditional layouts. You can even include a special page with a styled contact form.

Allegro is about design...

Allegro will allow you to let your inner artist take over.

Choose a smooth scrolling portal page. If you own Tab Panel Magic 3, you can opt for a portal page with a seriously cool panel widget that roatates content.

Page Layout Choices

Compliment your portal with several gorgeous interior pages. In addition to a three-column page, with dual sidebars (you're looking at it now), you can choose from several more designs.

  1. Smooth Scrolling Portal
  2. Smooth Scrolling Portal with Tab Panel (Requires TPM3)
  3. 3-Column (2 sidebars)
  4. 2-Column (sidebar Left)
  5. 2-Column (sidebar right)
  6. Single Column
  7. Contact Form Page
  8. Framework Page

See the slide show below for layouts not represented in our live demos::


More Layouts...

Interior Page with Contact form


And if you want to roll your own layout, you can choose a special framework page that can easily be configured with your own custom column arrangements, using the included Allegro Row/Column Creator tool.